modern day feminism

Hey guys, this is a post by Debbie from Brewing Colour. She’s a feminist who contacted me to write a guest post on feminism *obv tho*. But enough talking, Ally! May I present *drumroll please* Debbie!

Like Ally, I’m a feminist, and although I don’t necessarily agree with all of her views, I do agree on how the term has been distorted in modern day society.

Feminism slowly has been equated, by some, to man-hating, women having power over men, et cetera, et cetera, in fact, I know some girls/women who would adamantly refuse that they believe or support any kind of feminist movement. Equality, of course they believe in, but feminism? Not so much.

It’s strange when you think about it, especially since the Oxford Dictionary’s definition is ‘the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.’ Essentially, if we go by definition, feminism is equality, brought about by helping and supporting women, as they’re seen as lesser in society.

However, I can easily see why this definition of feminism is easily distorted. During events such as Women’s March, which takes place in January every year, images of women attending the events flood social media, with signs and T-shirts it looks like a call to arms. Also, with movements such as #MeToo, women share their stories about assault, so I can partly understand why people may think feminists don’t like men too much.

A way feminism has definitely been distorted, in my opinion, is women attacking women over their actions, or inactions, in the name of feminism (now I’m not saying men don’t do this but it is less common). Celebrities, such as Taylor Swift, have been attacked for not speaking up constantly, as people forget that just because someone’s a feminist it doesn’t mean they have to champion it all the time. As Emma Watson, the actor and U.N Women Goodwill Ambassador, stated: ‘If you stand for equality, then you’re a feminist.’ which is a concept many seem to ignore.

There’s also been incidences where celebrities have misused the term and used it to their advantage, Kim Kardashian being a big culprit here. Back in 2016 (it feels like ages ago I know) she tweeted a nude selfie and called it #liberated; since when feminism became an excuse for exhibitionism? I’m not sure either. But with this we find a double-edged sword, if we let Kim K, amongst others, to call this feminism then we’re portraying an incorrect image of what many stand for, but if we then attack her, it’ll give the idea that again, feminism is women shaming each other and men, letting it seem like a negative movement rather than a positive one.

So what can we do? A pretty good question I’d say, but whether you identify with the feminist movement or not, we all need to stand for equality. We need to stop attacking others and instead educate them, as how do we expect them to correct their faults otherwise. I’m not saying to tweet Kim K with a politics lesson, but try to make sure you yourself understand terms and speech before you use or reject it yourself, and if you think the others around you aren’t saying or doing things you think to be right, try to give them a gentle nudge in the right direction. But we also need to remember that feminism is such a diverse movement. Women within it come from such diverse backgrounds and along with them, different opinions, and that’s okay too.

Anyway, what do you think? Is feminism a dying movement used for the wrong reasons? Or potentially one that could change everything?

12 thoughts on “modern day feminism

    1. Yes! I feel as though a huge part of being a feminist is making sure people actually understand the movement, most of the time.

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  1. Great post!! I think it’s important to accept the fact that both men and women are made differently for different purposes and both are equally important and deserve equal rights etc. in ways that suit their needs or whatever (yk what I mean?) That is equality, not a fight where each side mani bepulates it’s duties etc to prove itself superior over the other. I hope I make sense. ☺

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    1. Thanks for the comment and yeah you make sense. I think as the idea of an equal world is encouraged more and more it’s really important to make sure that we hold onto the core values of feminism and make sure the movement isn’t distorted, because at the end of the day equally is only going to encourage growth and positive things.

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  2. Hi Debbie! You’ve brought up some interesting points here. I don’t think feminism is a dying movement at all. Perhaps this is just me, but I notice that more and more women AND men are joining in the feminist movement, so yay! πŸ˜„ And I so agree that the movement has become diversed! I’ve listened to a podcast interview of a trans activist not long ago and they said that the transgender equality movement is also a feminist movement in that it’s also calling for equality amongst all genders. Awesome post! 😊

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    1. Thanks! Yeah I don’t think it’s dying either, but it’s definitely interesting when people do see it in that light. I think the growth of feminism has caused loads more branches and diversity within the movement which is great in most cases. And yeah! Men joining is so good, but I think something I’m always conscious of is trying to stop explaining why feminism is important to men all the time. I was fine with doing so at first but after talking to a friend that I realised that why should it need to offer anything? (although it does) It’s sort of like how black people shouldn’t have to explain the black lives matter movement, it should be taken as a given (I hope I’ve explained this idea well).

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      1. Oh totally! I get what you mean. I used to have a whole speech explaining the importance of equal rights for women to people, but at this point, I no longer do that. It’s already greatly covered in media and in various social platforms. People must be, at the very least, socially aware of it. So when someone says something misogynistic or kinda gatekeeping like “Women can’t or aren’t allowed to do this and that”, I’d simply challenge them with a “Why not?”

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      2. That is such a good reply! (And probably one I’m going to steal.) I do find it hard to find a balance between advocating and trying to have a peace of mind and not getting too stressed about it. I try to convince most people but yeah, I’m gradually trying to not do it so much because at the end of the day it’s not a movement everyone’s going to support, despite how much we want it to be.

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      3. By all means do! I stole it from this really chill lady in the mall myself πŸ˜„ And so true, it is difficult to find the balance between the two. But I think you’re on the right track, accepting that not everyone will support a movement you’re passionate about 😊 But I still stand that a person can have a different opinion from me and not be disrespectful, so I draw the line on that.

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